Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Crazy March Hare.....

Hi there everyone ,I hope you have all had a fabulous Christmas, and are looking forward to a prosperous and crafty New Year....
I have been colouring a few Make It Crafty images which have been sat on my desk half done for ages now...  my mission this year is to get a lot of them finished and try not to print off too much at once..... rolls eyes..lol

Thisa image I have put together took me absolutley ages to do I lost count of the hours it took., but I love it...
The images are Crazy March Hare
The finished image is almost 10'' square and I have used ball point pens for colouring and chalk/pastel for the sky. 
I have loads more colouring to do, and lots of Mic new images coming soon...
that's all from me for the moments, Thank you so much for dropping by


Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Reindeer fun...

Santa.... I know him.
Hi there everyone, how are you?
Here is a quick colouring I did over  the weekend while the football was on...

I have used the Hiding Deer from Make it Crafty

This was so much fun to colour, the Reindeer was coloured with my trustyball point pens and the background is Copic marker and I used a white Sakura gelly pen for the stars.
He looks so comical....

 I will be back with some more colouring to share very soon.
Thank you for stopping by


Saturday, 12 December 2015

Wild Reindeer girl....

Hi how are you.... are you enjoying the run up to Christmas, I am sure you are all super busy.
I have made a little time to do some colouring, well , actually this took me over 10 hours to complete..
This is my Wild ReindeerGirl

 I have used April for the girl image and then I gave her some antlers using the Spooky tree image and then I added the window for her to look out of.... all the images are from Make It Crafty
I have used ball point pens to colour her with...
Thank you so much for stopping by


Friday, 4 December 2015

Make it Colourful - Aurora Borealis

Hi there  everyone, it's time for another Make it  Colourful challenge, this month we would like you to creata an Auro Borealis/ Australis Sky

I have used the Christmas Town digi and the Cheery  Santa digi

Most of the image I have coloured using ball point pens and the rest with pastels. I will be having another go at this as the idea I had in my head was a little different...

Please head over to the challenge blog as the girls have created some amazing work.

I have so many digi's printed off at the moment I don't know where to start...lol
.....but I will be back soon with ' something'
Thank you so much for stopping by

Friday, 20 November 2015

Snowy Fairytale Bridge....

Hi guys how are you?.... Well I'm slowly getting back into the colouring now , and trying to prepare for Christmas and all the  school activities which are coming up, but I love it. I have wanted to have a change of media so I just used a regular 4B pencil and made the Fairytale bridge into a snowy scene... I also added a few of the Large Pine Tree's.... 

It can be quite difficult to colour white as it's more the shadows you have to work out... but it was fun , and if my family get there way and I have to tidy the Dining room table ( where I work) there might be more sketch style images coming up..........  but I think I might try and sneak a few things out... Sssshhhh!

Well thank you again for stopping by
 Big Hugs

Monday, 16 November 2015

Countdown to Christmas....

Hi everyone.... wow it'a ages since I have posted, I back now...( I think) I have had a few pc issues to sort out recently so it's taken me a while to get back and I am sooooo far behind with stuff. So what have I got today.... Countdown to Christmas this is one of the steampunk santa's over in the Mic Store

This fits in with the new colouring challenge we have on the challenge blog of Christmas colours.
I have used ball point pen for Santa the sack and the chimney , prisma pencils for the faskin and chalk pastels for the background...
the colours are a little deeper  IRL the scanner seems to have washed  them out a bit... it's more of a midnight sky... :o)

well I hope I will be back again real soon with something else.... Happy colouring.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Make It Crafty - Zombified

Hey everybody

sorry I haben't been around much the last few weeks I have had a lots of pc problems and it's taking a while to sort out....
So what have I been upto, you have all probably seen the challenge set by Zoe last week to take Penny in love and Zombify her... Zoe did a fab periscope colour along  here
this is the original image...

and here is her Zombified...
this was an awesome project to do and I can't wait to do another image... I have used a mix of pen , pencils, markers and chalk, I think she has turned out slightly vintage.. if that possible for a zombie....

I have so much stuff to catch up with, I will be back soon
Hugs for now

Friday, 9 October 2015

Gizzly Bear - Make it Crafty

Hi there everyone...I  am just loving this Grr -izzly bear  from Zoe's store... I have been wanting to colour him for ages...
He can be found in the Halloween section of Make it Crafty

I have used ball point pens again.... these are becoming my favourite  media to use at the moment... but I still need loads of practice...
I only used three colours to create him, yellow, mid brown and black, using short flicks as though you were creating grass... just slowly building up the layers...
we don't really do that much for Halloween really at our house but I do just love to colour the images to create different effects and use a different colour pallette.....
Well I have loads more to colour, so it's back to the blanket fort and I will be back sooooooon
Thank you for visiting

Hugs xx

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Sweet Escape - guest designer

Hi everyone, I am back again with another gorgeous image from Sweet Escape digi's, this is the beautiful Winter Princess

I am so honoured Bernice asked me to guest design for her she has some beautiful images in her store for you to check out. I have used pencils for the skin tone and ball point pens on her hair and tiara and snofwlakes.
I have some more images to colour and I will be back soon.

Hugs for now 

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Make It Colourful - Bright Colour Challenge

Hi everyone, Wow ....thank for all the entries in the shades of black
 challenge last month ,over on Make it Colourful there were some amazing pieces of work, this month we are going to turn it around  , and the challenge is...

Easy right.... we would love you to create your piece of work using bright colours....
I have used Elizabeth J and tried to make her look like a Steampunk Belle (ish)

I have used prisma pencils on the skin, and ball point pens on the rest of her, the stockings were a bit of a challenge, I did use a light covering of pencil underneath the black pen  and then really light strokes to create the sheer look.
I hope you have chance to take part please stop by the Make it Colourful challenge and take a peek at the amazing work from the girls...

that's all for now thank you for popping by 

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Sweet Escape - Guest Designer

Hi everyone... I have been asked by the lovely Bernice over at Sweet Escape Digi's if I would guest design for them.... errr yes please... I didn't need any convincing...lol.
So I will be sharing a few images over the next few days...

The first up is Monique
 I have used Prisma pencils for the skin tone and a black ball point pens for the top and hair , it was quite a challenge to try and get the sheer look with her top , it was also my first time trying..

My second image for today is Autumn, I just love this image and my sort of colours too... being an Autumn girl myself...

 again I have used Prisma pencils for the skin tone and ball point pens  for her hair and the leaves.
These images can be found in the Sweet Escapes Etsy  store
There are loads more gorgeous images in their too, I will be sharing some more really soon.
That's all for now thank you for stopping by


Forever Love - Make It Crafty

Hi everyone.... 
I just wanting to share the new Halloween themed image we have over at Make It Crafty...
She is called Forever Love

She is awesome to colour  there is also a thorny rose border too available in the store or you could buy them as a set at a discount price. I have used ball point pen for the colouring.

I have a few more colour combo's in my head to have a play around with so you will be seeing here again.
Thank you so much for stopping by


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Fairy Blog hop winner

Hi everyone thank you so much for all the lovely comments from the Make It Crafty Fairy Blog hop, I am so pleased you like my work, It's so nice to read all the love you sent. 

The winner from my comments is 

Please contact Zoe Here  at the store blog
saying your the Winner from Kay's blog on the Fairy Hop.

Well I will be back soon we have loads of exciting stuff coming up.

Big Hugs

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Make it Crafty - Fairy Blog Hop

Today we are excited to share a new style coming to Make it Crafty and of course the first images just had to be fairies! Is it possible to ever have enough fairies in your stash?

We have been having fun colouring these gorgeous new fairies and wanted to share some inspiration with you.

You will find a 'link up' at the bottom of this post where you can click through to each of us.

I have used the gorgeous Brietta

I have again used my  ball point pens to colour her with and some prisma pencils  for the skin. I will get the right colour combo for doing it with my biro's..eventually!


Be sure to leave comments along the way as each stop will be giving away the fairy they have used to one lucky commentor.

Winners will be announced on each blog by the end of the weekend, so be sure to click back through the hop on Monday 28th to see if your name is at the top of this post!

Where can you get the new Fairies?!!

You will find all the new fairies in the Make it Crafty store here

----------------------The girls links------------------------

Flutter along with us on our mini hop!

Simply click each of the photos to take you through to each blog.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)



Thank you so much for taking part in the hop
... and I hope you had fun 
Big Hugs

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Make it Crafty - Baby Dragon

Hi everyone, just giving you a reminder that our latest challenge over at Make it Colourful is the shades of black challenge... How are you doing with it ?.... or have you not had a go and need some more inspiration, the girls are always updating the Inspiration blog and over course we have some fab new girlies joining us..
I have coloured the Baby Dragon  

 He was relly fun to colour in just the black, it's amazing how many different shades you can get with just one pen... if you try.
Well lots more stuff happening behind the Make It Crafty scenes , so I will be back with more 'stuff'  really soon... like tomorrow he he heee

Thanks for stopping by
Hugs xx

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Make it Crafty- colour - long

Hi everyone, wel now it's officially Autumn here in the UK... my favourite season, so lots of snuggly clothes and coffee's and more time to colour... well that's the plan.
Did you all see Zoe's colour a long on Periscope... wow it was fab you get to watch and colour and ask questions live... I watched on my tablet it's easy to sign up.
 For this image Zoe wanted to focus on colouring hair, where to put the light and shade..
I used my ball point pens, Zoe uses Copic's but you can use what ever your chosen medis is...
In the Make it Crafty store there are some  more of Zoe's fab tutorials, not just for begginers, but if you just need a reminder for a few techniques or new ideas... Here
The image we used can be found Here ...

Thank you so much for stopping by, We have loads more stuff happening now at Make It Crafty and lots and lots coming up,  so I will be back really soon.


Monday, 14 September 2015

Make it Crafty - Mummified

Hi everyone just popping by to share a quick colouring I did  (well quick for me)   while the  football was on at the weekend... this is Mummified from Make It Crafty...

I have two 'nemesis' colours.... black especially when doing hair and yellow... for some reason I don't get on with them... so I thought I would try and conquer my fears...lol ..and use them both  on this piece... and that all I used a black and a yellow ball point pen.

Off to colour some more now... be back soon

Monday, 7 September 2015

Make it Colourful - Shades of Black

Hi everyone, wow what awesome entries we had into the last challege...This months challenge ties in with the Make it Crafty CAS girls challenge
We would like you to colour Shades of Black

I have used  the Buttons digi image from the Make It Crafty Store
 I love this image it is one of my fave's..

I have only used a black ball point pen for the colouring...  This is a great challenge to get used to the different values of just using one colour.. I really hope you will come and join us this month, the girls have done an amazing job again with their inspiration for you.

Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a peek.
Hugs for now

Saturday, 5 September 2015

A little Disney colouring....

Hi everyone...... it's almost time for the New Make it Colourful challenge to go live tomorrow, so while I prepare for that I thought I would share with you another little Disney colouring from the film Up......

This Carl Fredrikson

 I have used polychromos and Prisma pencils, I'm not entirley happy with it there are a few tweeks I could make... but  still learning.
I have more to share soon as well as the new challenge coming up..
Thanks for stopping by

Monday, 31 August 2015

Make It Crafty.....Jack goes Fishing

Hi everyone.... how's your Bank Holiday weekend been.... I have been trying to colour a few things, This is the latest Jack Goes Fishing from Make It Crafty.
I have used prisma's and Polychromos pencils.

This image is part of a new collection from Make it Crafty all available Here
This is just a quick call in, I have a couple of other things to crop and edit. so I will be back really soon  to share.
thanks for calling in
 Big Hugs

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Pascal - Ball point pen colouring

Hi everyone , howa your weekind going, I just wanted to share my colouring I have been doing with ball point pens, I found this image on one of the the childrens colouring site's and I have been wanting to colour him for ages.... I do love a bit of Disney...

I do need to find some better paper to use this was abit  thin.... I have also tried to work on expression a little, He  does look a bit miffed...lol.
Thank you so much for stopping by again
Big Hugs

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Make It Crafty- Jill goes fishing

Hi everyone I'm just popping by to share the new releases over at Make It Crafty... available in digi and some in rubber..
 I have used Jill goes Fishing

This new release is so cute, you really need them ;)
I have used ball point pens for the main colouring and prisma/ polychromos  pencils for the skin, I am working on doing a ballpoint skin tone , I just need to get it right...
Lots more post to share soon in the mean time Happy shopping.. store
thank you for stopping by
Big Hugs

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


 Hi there everyone, just popping in to share an image I recieved the other day from

I haven't picked my markers up in about two years so I thought it was about time to use them, I printed this on to A4 watercolour paper, and I used watercolours, markers and pencils, I like the end result for a first go but I think I need to practice and get it a bit tidier...hhmm the colours were a bit out of my comfort zone too...
I will definatley be having another go at this mix media technique, I will share again really soon, and I will keep the markers out. ;) 
Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Make it Crafty- Stumpy Fungi House

Hi there, Wow can I just say a massive thank you to everyone for your amazing comments you have left on my blog and on the Facebook group for the Kingfisher I coloured, and I'm so glad you liked my tutorial, I will definately do some more now I know you like them and can follow the process.

Today I will share with you my Stumpy fungi house from Make it crafty


One of my favourite things to colour with ball point pens is trees and big leaves...lol. So I guess that would be good for another tutorial...
The background on this one has been done with pastels as it'a an A4 size picture and it's such a big area to do with ball points... To create the background I started at the bottom and worked my strokes up and the from the top down and just used a paper stump to even the blending.... which works perfectly for the blending different colour families challenge over on Make it Colourful

Thank you so much again for stopping by
 See you again real soon

Friday, 7 August 2015

Make It Colourful - Blending Outside the Colour Family

Hi everyone... wow where has the last month gone...  How did you like the cast shadows challenge.
we have yet another new challenge for you over at Make It Colourful.. 

 All the details and fabulous inspiration from the the girls can be found over  on the challenge blog...

 I have done a few projects this month and I will be sharing them throughout the challenge with some detail on how I did them, as I have had a few enquiries on how I use my Ball point pens...

My first project I will share is...

This one of the fabulous new images Zoe has in the Store
  I have used ball point pens, for the challenge part I have blended the blue and the green and also blue with purple.. this is just my version of how I use the pens I haven't been using them very long so they are still new to me.

To get started you will need..
your image
a selection of ball point pens
I always work with a piece of old cardboard/cereal box card under my work 
a piece of kitchen roll to rest my hand on and to keep wiping the tip of the pens onto

 I always start with the lightest colour, it may not always be seen when I've finished but it just work as a guide for me..You need to use really light feather like stokes and build them up, sometime it seems like you are not making any marks at all... but you are.. I work from both sides of the image at once so I can create an area where there will be shine or light reflecting from it.. so I started with the light blue making quite long stokes. I also follow the shape of the iumage with my stokes it helps create shape and depth and movement
 My second colour was a dark blue, but not making the strokes as long, again working from both sides and I work towards the middle, it helps if you turn your work around so you can create the same amount of pressure on your stokes to make them even.
 my third colour was a medium blue I had a turquoise and the went over from the dark blue extenedit but not as far as the lightest blue, you should see the colours start to blend... you may need to add some more light blue if  think you need to... it's just playing and getting used to a different medium.
I then added some orange on the bottom of the beak so I can try and get a colour balance between the top and bottom, I usually work on more than one part at once so I don't make  it too dark and I can add shading when I finalise the image.
 I have added a slightly darker orange over my first colour to get some depth, again not colouring over it all.
 I have added some red in light stokes where the darkest parts of the beak are, and also some black into the darkest parts of the upper beak...
As black can be a little harsh on light colours I used a brown th help blend the darker part on the orange and red  and some more light blue to close up the white parts on the top.

It just takes practise like with any medium and some patience..

Again with the wings I use the same principal of using light strokes and making them  curved..
I used a light blue on the top part of the wing and a light green on  the bottom part,, making the strokes quite long again I want to create a lighter area in the middle, where the light will bounce off.

shorter strokes with a darker blue at the top and a darker green at the bottom
Then I start to  blend the two colour families together, I used the lighter green  to feather over the blue area and the light  blue   to feather over the green, make the strokes really light or it could go too dark...
I did also add a little lilac colour on the blue as kingfisher are a solid colour but there's a lot of irridescence and you can see lots of colours.
On the green part I added some yellow, you may want to try on some scrap paper first as this can really change the colour of the green, and then it's just a case of blending between the colours untill your happy

 My first colour was a light pink, in really light feather strokes...
 I then used quite a bright cerise  pink in short strokes.
Where I have created some veins in the petals I used purple to deepen the shadows...
I then go back to my lightest pink and blend the colours together...

 I hope you can follow this and I'm sorry it is long... I will be posting some more shorter tutorials soon if any body would like to use them...

Please don't forget to head over to the Inspiration blog and take a look at the awesome work the girls  have done.

Thank you so much for stopping by
Hugs for now


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